Trenchless Moling

Vitrix offer a trenchless moling service, where domestic and commercial customers can have a pipe or duct laid without the need to trench the entire length of the proposed line of the pipe or duct.

This can save damage or disruption to driveways, lawns and hedges and because the excavations are small and usually more than 10m apart, we can complete most projects in a single day.


What is a Mole and Its Functions?

The mole is a cylindrical displacement hammer that pierces its way through the ground, pushing out the soil leaving a tube shaped hole behind it. It can be sent between two small excavations 10-20m apart, once it reaches the second hole the mole is disconnected and the pipe or duct is pulled back through using the mole hose and a pipe pulling head (known as a carrot because of its shape).

How Many Excavations will I need?

This will depend on what’s in the ground across the line of the proposed new pipe or duct. Whilst we can mole in sections of 10-20m using only two excavations, we will use tracing equipment to expose any drains, gas & electric services or any other potential obstacles. This ensures the safety of our team and prevents any potential hazards or damages.

The Benefits of Moling

  • • Minimal disruption to the driveway or garden
  • • Environmentally friendly
  • • Faster, More efficient Installation
  • • Pipes and ducts laid without disruption in a single day